What can I expect in worship?
Gather. Word. Meal. Sent!
We express our gratitude to God and are nourished for daily life in worship. Our life together as a Christian community centers around the weekly celebration of the Eucharist also known as Holy Communion, the Mass, and the Lord’s Supper.
The Sunday worship service at 9:45 is formed in the historic pattern of Christian worship: we are GATHERED together as the people of God by the Holy Spirit; God’s WORD is proclaimed; we share in the MEAL of Christ’s risen body; and we are SENT to serve God in our daily lives. The music is a blend of traditional, inspirational, and Taize, but we love to experiment with different styles such as spirituals and contemporary. Most visitors including those from other traditions, find that after a few weeks, the service has grown on them and they appreciate careful balance between speech, silence, singing and ritual that create an environment of peace in the presence of God.
Listening and speaking through music
We love to sing and love to listen to and participate in inspiring music. We provide the entire worship service or liturgy (“work of the people”) in an easy-to-follow booklet that avoids shifting through hymnals and papers to follow along. We offer vocal choirs and bell choirs for all ages and we invite those with special musical ability to share their gifts.

Pipe Organ
Holy Trinity’s 1859 E & G.G. Hook organ began its life in Boston’s South End, and was installed in Holy Trinity’s sanctuary in 1982. The instrument supports traditional liturgy and hymns during worship, and is also used for concerts and other public events.

Holy Trinity’s three octaves of handbells and two octaves of handchimes often provide special music during worship services, played by volunteer musicians from the congregation.

Vocal Music
Holy Trinity members love singing! Our choir meets weekly to rehearse, and regularly sings as part of our worship services. Solo pieces also add variety to our music program.

Children’s Music
We regularly look for opportunities to incorporate musicians of all ages into our worship experience. Children sing as a choir, and occasionally even sing solo pieces.

Music from Everywhere
All types of music have a place in our worship services. In addition to traditional hymns, we often explore other musical traditions.

Guest Musicians
Holy Trinity welcomes guest musicians to provide music during worship services. Sometimes these guests are members of the congregation, while other times we draw on relationships with the wider community.
Do I have to be Lutheran to be a part of Holy Trinity?
No! Not at all. People at HTLC come from many different backgrounds including other denominations and non-Christian backgrounds. We are a big tent. At Holy Trinity we care less about where you come from and more about making sure you feel like you belong while hearing a message of unconditional love from our God who loves you just the way you are. God’s love is for all people which is the heart of Lutheran spirituality.
What about baptism?
The Lutheran Church joyfully baptizes people of any age trusting in God’s free gift of grace given through water and word. In the sacrament of Holy Baptism, the promises of forgiveness, salvation and inclusion in the body of Christ come alive through the water and word. We recognize and celebrate one baptism – there is no such thing as a “Lutheran baptism.” Baptism in any Christian tradition transcends any particular denomination, and we welcome all who come to us from another tradition. Parents are invited to reach out to the Pastor to discuss having their child baptized.

Can I join the meal?
At Holy Trinity, we believe that the sacrament of Holy Communion is a gift from God for all people. Any child old enough to put their hand out is old enough to receive the meal, and anyone seeking closeness to the community gathered in God’s name is Christian enough to receive the gift of bread and wine.
Holy Trinity usually serves communion in individual glasses, with white wine and red grape juice for children and those who prefer to avoid alcohol. We usually serve bread, but occasionally use white communion wafers. We also offer gluten-free wafers. If you are unable to gather at the communion rail, please signal an usher or the pastor, and communion will be brought to you.