Sunday Church School at HTLC
Led by Sarah Keough of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Cathy Horowitz of Bristol Trinity Episcopal Church, our joint Church School program is open to children of all ages. The program generally meets every two weeks, but there are some variations in the schedule to avoid holiday or school vacation weekends – click to see the complete schedule below.
Church school begins at 9:30 and we join worship after the passing of the peace around 10:30. If you know ahead of time that your child/children are not able to attend, we ask you to let Cathy or Sarah know to help with planning. You can also sign up below to get updates about church school activities.
Church for real life
We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
You are welcome here
At Holy Trinity where we do our best to practice radical hospitality, heal a broken world, and find hope in the midst of life’s challenges.
Celebrating the arts
We give thanks to God through a devotion to creating a flourishing arts program.
Working for justice
We work toward a world in which all people are treated with dignity and respect and are valued as precious children of God.
Caring for the environment
We celebrate the beauty of all God created in the beginning and we lament our planet crying out for mercy.
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