There is good news tonight!

In my house, we are in the habit of watching the network nightly news to find out what’s going on in the world. Although this is not the only source of where we get our news, it does provide us with an overview of what the network executives think is the most important news of the day.
One particular network ends their weekend newscasts with a segment they call “There’s good news tonight”. During this segment, they highlight positive stories of people sharing kindness and gratitude in unexpected ways; cheering each other on after a difficult diagnosis or achievement; celebrating some success in life together; loving each other. These stories are heartwarming and delightful; meant to soften our hearts; maybe even bring a tear to our eye; and to remind us of our shared humanity.
I chuckle, though, when I hear the newsperson say There’s good news tonight. My mind is quick to translate the words “good news” to the word “gospel”; as in, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The origin of the word “gospel” is from the Old English term god-spell, meaning “good story”. It’s related to words in Latin and Greek that mean “good news” or “good telling”.
So, for me, “good news” means “gospel”; the story of Jesus coming into the world to save and redeem all of God’s beloved people.
We hear the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – whenever we read the story of his life, death, resurrection and ascension, as found especially in the first four books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
We proclaim the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – whenever we worship together – through music and song and scripture and prayer and feasting at the table.
We share the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – whenever we respond to our neighbors with love expressed through acts of kindness, compassion and generosity.
Tonight we hear and see the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – taking place in the little town of Bethlehem, where God came into the world through the birth of God’s son Jesus; so that all the world might know God’s love and live in right relationship with God and each other and be set free from sin and death. For those of us who follow Jesus, this is the gospel truth.
The good news tonight is declared by the prophet Isaiah, to the scattered tribes of Israel – For a child has been born for us, a son given to us…and he is named Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
The good news tonight is declared by the reading from Titus, a letter written to encourage new Christians to care for one another – The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all…the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The good news tonight is declared by the angel of the Lord to the shepherds in the field – Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy: to you is born this day…a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.
There is good news tonight – good news of great joy – for this is the night that a child is born – Jesus is here! – and his birth fills the earth with light in the darkness and joyful singing in the night and love for all God’s creation.
My siblings in Christ, as we gather tonight around the child lying in the humble manger, let us boldly proclaim to each other and to the world – Do not be afraid…There is good news tonight!
May this good news of great joy for all the people fill you with zeal; may it make you come alive with great energy and devotion to the gospel truth, as you go out from here, glorifying and praising God for all that you have heard and seen, so that all who hear you will be amazed by what you tell them.