“We are truly blessed by the witness of those who came before us. We are entrusted to use their gifts wisely and follow their footsteps of generosity and faith.”
Giving Forward
Help move Holy Trinity’s mission into the
future with planned and legacy giving
Planned gifts
Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways to create a gift to your church using accumulated resources. Although planned giving usually involves financial or estate planning, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Planned giving is for anyone concerned with the wise use of his or her personal resources and provides the opportunity to make a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.
Legacy gifts
A legacy gift is a planned future donation to a charity, given through your will or other type of beneficiary designation. It can take any number of forms such as gifts of real estate, life insurance and securities. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has been a community of believers whose legacy and future are deeply rooted in stewardship.
Memorial gifts
A memorial gift is a financial contribution given to Holy Trinity to honor the life and memory of a loved one. Families may indicate a desire for such contributions to be made “in lieu of flowers.” Memorial gifts may be directed to a specific ministry, program, or purchase. A list of specific ministry and facility needs is available upon request.
Where will my gift go?
Planned and legacy gifts can support a wide variety of ministries and activities at Holy Trinity.
Unrestricted Gifts
Undesignated (unrestricted) gifts to Holy Trinity are placed in the Mission and Ministry Fund. A minimum of 20 percent of the gift will be used for outreach into the community, synod, and missions in the wider Church. The remaining 80 percent will be used within HTLC to support:
- Initiation of new ministries and programs
- Accomplishment of major capital improvements
- Fulfillment of our congregation’s Christian mission in the World
Designated Gifts
Designated gifts go to the specific activity, organization, or fund designated by the giver (Mission outreach, youth ministry, specific capital improvements, Endowment Fund, etc.) All proposed gifts are reviewed and approved by church council — we can work with you to coordinate your interests with Holy Trinity’s ministry goals and capacity.

Your forward-looking gift has benefits now—and in the future
- Your gift shows your love for God and your neighbor
- Your gift extends the Kingdom of God
- Your gift supports Holy Trinity’s missions and programs that have been important to you or your loved ones throughout your Christian lives
- Many studies show charitable giving contributes to greater happiness and improved life satisfaction
- Charitable gifts may reduce your tax burden

Have questions?
Our Planned Giving Ambassadors can help. We can also schedule an appointment with representatives from Thrivent or the ELCA Foundation who can provide financial planning expertise.