No matter your interests, Holy Trinity has something for you…
Holy Trinity is a place where you can make your interests, passions and gifts for ministry come alive or you can join the many ministry opportunities already available.
Small Groups for Adults
Find, suggest or create a group that interests you or reflects your passion – from book studies, to Bible studies, to spirituality, to current news events, to social justice and environmental issues. Adults gather in person and/or by Zoom for short-term or long term commitments.
Kids, Youth and Families
The present and future of the church are our children and youth supported by their families and faith community through Sunday Church School, confirmation class, youth group activities and service projects, camping and connecting with community organizations like School on Wheels and Raising Multicultural Kids.
Service and Volunteer Opportunities
Just as Jesus knelt down to wash the feet of the disciples, we too, with humility and reverence seek to serve those most in need in our immediate community, and around the world.
Music programs
Music is an integral and life-giving part of our community and central to our worship experience. We welcome diverse ethnic and cultural expressions of music and provide a variety of ways for all to share their talent and interest.