Planning our future together

Holy Cow! There’s a CAT at Holy Trinity!

As part of Holy Trinity’s current transition process, we are inviting you to participate in the Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT), an online instrument created by Holy Cow! Consulting that helps leaders gauge the strength, vitality, and trends in our church.  The information gained from this assessment will be valuable in helping the congregational leadership team make decisions about the future of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. 

Holy Cow! Consulting - Organizational Consulting You Can Use
The CAT is a system wide assessment that offers the real possibility of expanding the self-awareness of congregations and can help you as leaders to: 
- Measure the level of satisfaction and energy in the church you lead. 
- Identify the critical success factors for improving organizational climate.
- Discover where members would like to go n the future.
- Gauge readiness for change.

The Congregation Assessment Tool is an 86 question online assessment of a congregation that is completed by members of a church. It gives leaders a read-out on the health of the church, a sense of where members think the church should head in the future, and a description of the church as a unique body of people. Holy Trinity has participated in the CAT process during previous transition periods, and the current survey will provide valuable information about how the congregation has changed since these prior assessments.


Leaders talk to people in the church all the time.  Why do they need a survey to know what people are thinking?

Leaders, like everyone else, tend to talk with a relatively small number of people.  It can be difficult for them to have a comprehensive understanding of how the entire body is doing.  When someone comes to them with a problem and concludes with “And I’m not the only one who feels this way,” the leader is left wondering “How many people do feel this way?”

Isn’t a survey too impersonal?

In fact, many people find a survey to be very personal because it asks them their personal perspective on a number of topics that they are rarely asked about.  What is certain is that the Congregation Assessment Tool is impartial.  Because the results are completely confidential, it does not matter whether a person is talkative or shy, young or old, a recent member or a longtime member. Their views are equally respected.

Should leaders be discerning God’s will through surveys?

Information from the Vital Signs© report is just one component of a discernment process.  Leaders must also include prayer, Scripture, and tradition.  However, leaders cannot help their members move in a new direction if they do not know where their members are. When I call someone to ask for directions, the first question they will ask me is “Where are you now?”  If I don’t know, they can’t help me.  It is a cardinal rule of spiritual leadership:  You cannot help a person or group of person move to a new place if you do not start with where they are.  The Congregation Assessment Tool© helps leaders know where their members are.

Who will be invited to take the assessment?

All members, attenders and affiliates who have been active in some way, who are able to physically and emotionally cope with the survey, and are 16 years of age or older.

Can multiple people sharing email addresses or the same device take the assessment?

Yes. We will not lock the assessment by email address or IP address just so that people who share email addresses, e-readers, computers, etc. can each take the assessment.

 What about people who don’t have computer access or are just not comfortable with computers?

We will schedule times and assistance for people to take the survey at Holy Trinity. Under special circumstances we will provide a printed copy that members can complete and return to the church where a trusted person can go online and input their data.

How long does it take for people to take the assessment and can they take it in multiple sittings?

The assessment takes on average 22 minutes (that is the real average). We usually ask that people set aside 30 minutes to take the assessment just in case they need more time. We suggest that people take the assessment in one sitting although the assessment program will not time folks out if they walk away and come back. The only concern is if the individual’s device is set to “go to sleep” or shut-down after a certain period of activity. This may mean that they will need to start the assessment over and we will need to be notified so we can delete their earlier response.

How will the church know how many people have taken the assessment?

While the assessment is running, Holy Cow! will send a weekly update on Fridays to its church contact person with the number of people who have taken the assessment. All data collection is done anonymously.

How long will the survey be open for me respond?

About a month. We are planning it to start on May 5th, 2024.