Fall Preview: Mark your Calendars!

Special Sunday, September 18 event: the local organization, Raising Multicultural Kids will be with us on September 18 to help us kick-off Rally Day/Return to Sunday Church School. RMK will give a brief “Temple Talk” in worship and then lead a 30 minute forum in the Fellowship Hall while we munch on good food including ice cream sundaes to welcome back kids. RMK is going to help us take a look at our racial make-up and culture and challenge us to be diverse.
Special Sunday, October 9 event: Our 130th Birthday Celebration! We welcome our Bishop James Hazelwood to help lead worship and about 25 kids and their families from the Rose Conservatory to share their musical gifts in worship. After worship there will be a big cook-out with a large tent, some Bouncy Houses for the kids, a historical display and much more.
Special Monday, November 21 event: Transgender Day of Remembrance is moving to Monday, November 21 in the evening rather than the traditional November 20 due to an afternoon Patriots game. This year we are collaborating with Easton’s Human Rights Committee, Raising Multicultural Kids, and the Oliver Ames GSA.
Special Friday, December 18 Event: Music Concert Featuring the Abeo Quartet. The concert is a benefit for the Rose Conservatory and an opportunity for those in attendance from the surrounding communities to support the conservatory. Members of the quartet have performed on Sundays during worship at HTLC many times in the past several years.