Celebrate inclusion with us!
Sunday, February 2 at 9:45 AM
We invite you to join us for a special worship service as we reaffirm our commitment as a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation where all people are embraced by us and by God exactly as they are. Originally adopted by the congregation in 2016, our welcoming statement has since expanded to intentionally welcome people of every race, ethnicity, heritage, culture, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic status, or where they are on their faith journey
This year’s Reconciling Sunday theme, “Resilient Community,” allows us to celebrate how far we all have come in difficult times while also reminding us we need to keep moving toward the goal of true inclusion. It focuses our attention on how community bonds and relationships sustain the individual members of the community, building resilience in institutions and individuals. When we work together for justice, communities are stronger; when we work together, people are stronger.
Church for real life
We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
You are welcome here
At Holy Trinity where we do our best to practice radical hospitality, heal a broken world, and find hope in the midst of life’s challenges.
Celebrating the arts
We give thanks to God through a devotion to creating a flourishing arts program.
Working for justice
We work toward a world in which all people are treated with dignity and respect and are valued as precious children of God.
Caring for the environment
We celebrate the beauty of all God created in the beginning and we lament our planet crying out for mercy.
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